Jeff Rosenblum
New York City
Copyright Infringement & Bootlegging
Upon my tearful farewell from the venerable UR I was tipped off by Trotsky
about an upcoming movie he had seen a preview for as he believed it would
be a 'hot' movie and I'd be able to sell t-shirts for it. I rode down to
the Flatiron building on my bicycle and pulled down, off of a construction
wall covered with NY posters and ads, a cool looking poster of a white ghost
character with a red circle and slash thru it. It turned out to be Ghostbusters
. I initially printed 60 shirts and one of my brothers and I rode our
bikes over to the eastside where the movie was playing. We waited for the
crowd to come out and we held the shirts up (akin to a scene in the movie
that we had not yet seen). We sold them all within 10 minutes--people were
throwing cash at us. We ecstatically rode our bikes back through the park
and I could tell we had infringed upon some sacred sacrament because it
started pouring rain and lightning
was literally striking the ground
around us. We started producing as many shirts as we could--buying inexpensive
Pakistani shirts for .60/each, printing them in Westchester during the day
and then rushing back to NYC to the movie theatre and selling them for $4/each
as people exited the movie. Paramount executives (producers of the movie)
got word of our sales and they came to the theatre and bought shirts for
themselves--cops were buying them, Wall Streeters were trekking up to buy
them and send to clients in Nebraska, the entire movie theatre staff bought
them. It was a phenomena and we sold thousands. The capital was the seed
money for the nurturing of
More to come.