Omega Message Board Fire Away |
Submitted by: Marc Pekowsky (MTROTSKY
Friends, Romans, Etc.
Where is everybody? It's time, I think, for a mass rendevous.
Pass the word to everyone to update their info so we can coordinate
a get-together.
Also- be aware that Jeff Rosenblum has welcomed a daughter, Jenna,
into the world.
Hope to hear/see you soon
Submitted by: S-Man (
April 30, 2002 - Hey Hey Blorzoga brothers! I feel like I'm out of touch, LJ's gossip is not strong enough. I need a Lewy/Giuliano fix! Any new weddings or births?
Submitted by: Blorzoga....
Call Segura while he is still single...
Submitted by: Jay Hersh (
Don't hear from too many of the UR friends I know these days.
I'm married and living outside of Boston. If you're headed this
way drop
me a line and I'll show you the Beer Geek Tour of Beantown.
And no really, the Dr. Beer thing isn't a joke. People pay
me money to talk
about beer. Not a full time thing, but it keeps my beer cellar
Submitted by: Liz Klein Michael (
shouts out to S, Trotsky, Tom Nalli, Bob Segura, McTiernan,
Keg (where the hell is Keg??) and all my lovely housemates from
Linden st. youth hostel, summer '84.
That means you too, Mr. Campbell.
I never left Roch and often take walks thru Genny park + campus.
The kids look younger every year!
Submitted by: McHank (
Yeah, what Rat Mice said.
Blorzoga, Hank
Submitted by: Rich Valpey (
I visited UR in April 2000. What was weirdest was walking around
that campus a suit and tie. (I was there for a conference with
my research student.)
I felt like I wasn't even the same person as the one who lingered
there from 1980 to 1986.
Anyone ever makes it out my way (La Crosse, Wisconsin) I will take great pleasure in kicking your butts at foos. I don't get to play much but one never loses those skills totally.
Phil, let's do squatties. (Just kidding). Trotzky, let's...oh, never mind...
Is that really you, Joe Fooz?
Submitted by: joe foooz (
ANYONE have an original copy of Clockwork Orange?
Submitted by: S-Man (
May 30, 2001 - Trotsky's ode to to Rochester brought back the same strange sense of temporal displacement that I experienced the last time I was there. I was in town for the wedding of a former coworker, and while I didn't have the time for the same extensive, rambling, voyage of rediscovery, I did see the old stomping grounds. It is a very strange thing to see all those kids and think: "Was I once that young?" The new traffic patterns around the campus are confusing, and Mumia has replaced Mandela, but otherwise time has stood still.
Submitted by: Phil Zawisa
Trots, Party Leader, I, am here, in Phila., divorced, have 6yr. old son - William, apt. near Phila Art Museum (sold house), have 3 liver cells left (with large tubes attached to each cell), am rambling, am poor financially yet rich in experience, am a grammatical goof, do hereby say Hello to all the Omega brothers, wives and sistahs, am celebrating the Feastday of Sts. Philip and James today, 5/3/01, am not at all religious, am ready to turn 40 next year, can not believe Matt is still playing foosball, wondering where Jackie is, need Aroon's e or phone info 'cause I hear he's in Santa Monica and I'm going to L.A. soon, wish I could stop rambling, AND, Marc, I have one word and then two words for you, and they are: ...Manishevitz... Mogen David... ... ... You know what I mean, right? I miss all you fine people (except Jeff who e-mails me weekly, sometimes daily, and who I think deserves the title: Omega Unification Officer, for keeping us all in touch). God Bless Blade. Hope I hear from somebody soon! - Keep it relatively clean since the e-address is at work and you never know who's watching... Take care all - beam me some news!
Submitted by: Rat Mice (
WOLF !!!!!
Yah, where is everybody. Just want to let all the brothers know
that myself, McHank, occasionally Smitty, sometimes Corbet and
almost never Segura, gather together every few weeks for a rousing
evening of swillage and FOOS. We are slowly indoctrinating a nice
new crop of ersatz OMEGA's as well. Old OMEGA's never die they
just grab another brew and crack another game.
Nice bank shot!!!
Submitted by: Nytrous fan club
Attention Friends: One of our own, Jeff Rosenblum will soon be departing from this earthly plane as he is soon entering into connubial bliss ( with a lovely young lady. See, I told you there was no truth to those nasty rumours) Anybody who would like to join me in taking our friend out for one last Magic Bus please contact MTrotsky @AOL
Submitted by: Gretchen Cohen (
Hello everyone...Just hoping that you'll stop by our new restaurant if you're in Rochester. So far we've had such illustrious visitiors as Trotsky and Dave Lewy (along with fellow class of '83er, Paul Sylvestri). It's the Rio Bamba on Alexander Street between East & Park Avenues...across from the UR shuttle bus stop at the Medical Arts Building. For those of you who remember the big blue buses. Hope to see you....G
Submitted by: wolf (
Hey my brothers how are you guys?
Marc Pekowsky (MTROTSKY @AOL) -