Mike Wiener
Charlottesville, Virginia
Most excellent to see the omega site; it's very nice to see and read
about old friends (even Lewy, I guess). As far as updates, where has
all of the time gone, etc.:
On the 'career' side of things: after working in a lab during UR days, I
set off on the path of science. Went to Carnegie Mellon University and
got M.S. Physics, Ph.D. Physics & Biophysics. Then it was 7+ years in
California doing several postdoctoral gigs - 3yrs at University of
California, Irvine, and 4yrs at University of California, San
Francisco. Bob Segura found me there in SF during one of his 'safety'
visits; suffice it to say that there is some overlap between
UR-omega-era amusements and that which can be found in the Haight.
Since September 1996, I've been in Charlottesville, VA - where I have a
faculty position in the University of Virginia Medical School (anyone so
interested in what I do can check my website). This is a nice place and
a nice job, where God, grants and tenure willing, we could be for a
while. The notion of some degree of potential stability is pretty odd.
A moderately surreal experience was being offered a position at UR - but
you just can't go home again...
On the personal side, as some of you perhaps know, I married Anne
Schwartz - the woman I met and went out with during most of the UR
years. After 7 or so years of being the boyfriend who would not make a
commitment, we were wed in 1987, so it will be 11 years of marriage in
July (yikes!). We have three kids (Simon,7; Naomi,4; Talia,5months).
They all have my last name, as the notion of tagging kids with
Schwartz-Wiener (hmmmmmm, meet the black-penis children ...) doesn't
seem like much of a start in life. [As if my name is particularly
festive...]. I suggested that we could alternate last names among them
or flip a coin, but these notions were vetoed by my (now) better fifth,